Tariff & item settings

Tariff & item settings

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In a newly created or selected tariff, settings can be made at the tariff level (1) and at the item level (2).

In the following example, the tariff „Call Processing“ has been selected. Therefore, settings at the tariff level will affect the selected tariff. In the selected tariff, the item „€9.90 Basic Fee“ has been chosen. Therefore, settings for this item can be made at the item level.

Options at the tariff level (1)

Title (1)

Here you can give the tariff a name under which it should be displayed.

Module (2)

Select the module for which the tariff should apply.

Termination (3)

Without: The tariff has no notice period and can be terminated at any time and immediately.

Example 1: You terminate on June 1. The contract ends on July 31.

Example 2: You terminate on June 30. The contract ends on July 31.

Monthly: The notice period is one month at the end of the month.

Yearly: The tariff has a minimum term of one year from the time of ordering. The notice period is three months at the end of the minimum term. If no termination occurs, an extension is made for the minimum term.

Example: The minimum term ends on August 7. The timely termination must be made by May 6 at the latest.

VAT (4)

Here you can set the VAT rate for the tariff. This applies whenever no specific setting for VAT has been made at the item level.

Minimum turnover (5)

If at least one item has been marked with the property „Minimum turnover,“ you can enter a value here.

What does minimum turnover mean? Minimum turnover is the turnover that is billed at least with specified items within a defined billing period.

Example: For a tariff, a minimum turnover of €10 is set.

In the tariff, there are two items: „Dictation,“ unit price €5, and „Research,“ unit price €1. For the item „Research,“ the property „Minimum turnover“ is set.

At the end of the defined billing period, the customer „purchased“ 1* Dictation and 5* Research.

The billing amount is still €15. Explanation: €5 for Dictation and €10 for Research. Although only 5 Research items were bought at €1 each, a minimum turnover of €10 was set for the tariff, calculated from the sum of the correspondingly marked items (in this case, only „Research“).

Cost limit (6)

If at least one item has been marked with the property „Cost limit,“ you can enter a value here. For items with a cost limit, automated cost checking can be performed. More information on automated cost checking can be found on Automation & Controlling.

What does cost limit mean? The cost limit is the turnover that is billed at most with specified items within a defined billing period.

Example: For a tariff, a cost limit of €10 is set.

In the tariff, there are two items: „Dictation,“ unit price €5, and „Research,“ unit price €1. For the item „Research,“ the property „Cost limit“ is set.

At the end of the defined billing period, the customer „purchased“ 1* Dictation and 20* Research. The billing amount is still €15. Explanation: €5 for Dictation and €10 for Research. Although 20 Research items were bought at €1 each, a cost limit of €10 was set for the tariff, calculated from the sum of the correspondingly marked items (in this case, only „Research“).

Tolerance (7)

A tolerance value in percentage must be set for the automated monitoring of cost limits, flat rates, and lump sum prices. More information can be found on the Automation and Controlling page.

Billing interval: minute or second accuracy (8)

Specify whether time-dependent items of the tariff should be billed at minute or second accuracy.

Public (9)

Here you can determine whether the tariff should be public or non-public. More about public & non-public tariffs.


Settings at the item level (2)

Title (1)

Here you can give the item a name under which it should be displayed.


Key (2)

By using a key, you establish a connection between a data source and an item. This allows you to automatically invoice supported services.

Alternative name (3)

With the alternative name, you can give the item an alternative designation. The alternative name does not affect the price list but only the display in the item list and the billing data (data printed in invoices).

Billing (4)

Here you can specify whether the item should be billed once or at specific time intervals.


Termination (5)

For some items (depending on the assigned key), termination periods deviating from the tariff can be set. This is due to the fact that certain services can be optionally booked and canceled (for example, voicemail). You can set the corresponding termination period for the specific item here.


Net price (6)

Item price without VAT (based on „quantity“).


Flat rate (7)

For some keys, the property „Flat rate“ can be chosen. For flat rates, automated cost checking can be performed. More information on automated cost checking can be found on Automation & Controlling.


Reference price/min. (8)

To calculate the profitability for flat rates, a reference price must be set. Just like for the „Flat rate“ point, you can find further information under Automation & Controlling.


Quantity (9)

Enter the offered quantity of an item in relation to the price here.


Inclusive quantity (10)

If you want to offer an inclusive quantity of a specific item in your offer, you can make the corresponding setting here. The item will only be billed after reaching the inclusive quantity.


VAT (11)

Here you can enter a VAT rate deviating from the tariff for the selected item.


Display / Highlight / Headline (12)

All three properties affect the display of the item in the price list.


Minimum turnover / Cost limit (13)

If you assign the properties Minimum turnover and/or Cost limit to an item, the marked item will be used for the calculation of the minimum turnover and/or cost limit.